Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Hampton

When I was 5 years old my parents decided to move from Massachusetts to California. They had 4 kids, ten and under and no job waiting for them in California.  My mom really did not want to move.  She came from 13 kids and wanted to stay close to her siblings and mother. She wanted us to grow up with our 38 first cousins and live life in New England. Well, Dad was determined to leave the snow country and California won out.  We ended up in Hayward because my mom had one sibling in California.  Her sister, Anne.  So, off to Hayward we went and my parents were lucky enough to find jobs with PG&E and the Phone Company.  We were settled and beginning to make friends and enjoy the family we had close by.
When my sister, Elaine was 11 and I was 13, my parents sent us to Massachusetts for a summer visit. This was a way for us to get to know our East Coast family and roots.  Well, I fell in love with New England!  I love the look and atmosphere and wished we could stay longer.  We had so much fun.
One place we loved going to was Hampton Beach, New Hampshire.  We had three aunts who lived at the beach and we loved spending time with all of them in such a beautiful location on the New England coast.  I return to "Happy Hampton" as often as I can and will visit several times this summer.

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